Thanks to funding from the Open Technology Fund we have continued work on some performance measurements for various DNS Privacy implementations. We report our new results below.
Our initial work on performance measurements can be found here: Initial Performance Measurements (Q1 2018). This work was presented at RIPE 76: Slides, Video. Key results from this work were:
with UDP/TCP/TLS on 2 bare
metal machinesdnsdist
, which uses a different threading model and
performed better)
We also note some complimentary related work: High-Performance DNS over TCP by Baptiste Jonglez, University Grenoble Alpes who also presented at RIPE 76: Slides, Video. Key results from this work were:
nameserver but used thousands
of cloud VM clients. Measured just UDP/TCP (not TLS) and used a
simple tcpscaler tool where TCP connections were never closedUnbound
TCP throughput for 25,000 clients
was 25% of the UDP throughput and this decreased as the number
of clients increased (see graph below)We had always intended to extend our work to tens of thousands of clients and were particularly intrigued by Baptiste’s results which showed a poorer TCP through put than we expected and an unexpected drop in throughput between 10 and 10,000 clients. However when we looked at the details of his work it became clear that the above graph was for the case where Unbound was restricted to a single thread (our work above had used 4 threads).
So we wanted to explore the performance across the *nameservers for 24,000 clients where the nameserver could effectively use all the resources of our test machine. *
This work used the same lab set up as the previous work, except that we used up to 24 separate dnsperf instances running in parallel, each spawning 1000 TCP connections to reach a total of 24,000 clients. In each test 5000 queries per connection were used to ensure the connections cycled during the test but that the handshake setup had been fully amortised.
The following work has also been presented at RIPE 77: Slides, Video
In the following graphs blue lines are UDP, reds lines are TCP
Our findings are shown below for measuring Unbound
using 1 thread and
then 32 threads (on a 16 core machine with hyper threading enabled).
For a single thread we see a similar profile the above graph
from High-Performance DNS over
TCP by Baptiste
Jonglez, however:
Conclusion: When Unbound has sufficient resources the performance throughput of TCP is 2/3 of that of UDP even at large numbers of clients.
We repeated the test runs for both Knot Resolver and BIND for many clients - the results are below.
Knot Resolver
We were unable to scale the number of simultaneous clients that
would accept over TCP past 1000. The reason for this, we have
confirmed with PowerDNS, is due to the fundamental architecture of
when dealing with TCP connections - the number of simultaneous
connections that can be processed is entirely dependent on the size of
the thread pool. Increasing this takes system resources, and is not
practicable beyond a point dependent on the server hardware.
We have had to conclude that dnsdist
is currently optimised for only a
moderate number of client connections. We believe recent work in dnsdist
is changing this model for the DoH implementation.
Finally, we also investigated the performance of native nameserver TLS support vs a TLS-TCP proxy/TCP nameserver setup (no ’traditional’ TLS proxy that we know of can receive DNS-over-TLS and forward over UDP).
To do this we configured Unbound
to use 32 threads, and configured
to use 32 single-threaded processes (the recommended
configuration for HAProxy in the TLS-TCP proxy use case). Note that with
fewer threads available to HA proxy
it appeared that that the
encryption/decryption process was the main performance bottleneck.
These results show that use of a TLS-TCP proxy versus native nameserver
TLS support performs as might be expected.
These measurements use a modified version of dnsperf
, a widely used
DNS UDP benchmarking tool. UDP benchmarking is rather simplistic and is
only concerned with throughput and latency and has the luxury of
treating the client population as heterogeneous.
Session based benchmarking can’t do this:
For example, taking our measurements of Unbound (32 threads) and converting the data to represent the average queries per second per client gives the following graph:
Very little real world data for DNS client populations is available that can describe the behaviour of individual clients. Some recently shared data (courtesy of Bert Hubert at PowerDNS) show how much variation there can be even in a small traffic sample. The following data was collected in in a 7 minute window observing traffic on a recursive resolver. We estimate the number of individual client (addresses) is in the region of 250k.
It must be noted that this data is from a UDP client population and UDP clients use a different name serve selection algorithm to that specified for session based DNS (RFC7766). So there may be many reasons for the overall distribution including:
We believe we need to gather real world (anonymised) data from operators of DNS Privacy servers to correctly understand the client profiles of session based DNS to aid with further benchmarking.
We suggest that further useful work on DNS benchmarking for session based protocols (DoT, DoH or DoQ) would require a new approach. In addition to gathering real world data we believe a new benchmarking tool is required.
We have investigated a number of tools designed for HTTP benchmarking that are capable of generating traffic with different percentages of client behaviour - our report is here. However we did not find any that could be easily modified to become useful DNS benchmarking tools.
We suggest a new, hybrid tool will be required with a high DNS query throughput but with HTTP tester-like scripting capabilities to model a diverse client populate. We have sketched out some initial requirements for such a tool and are happy to hear feedback on this proposal.